Making Choices
Careers advice encompasses so many different things and is something we need at many points in our lives, but it is always about choices and options. Choosing the best direction can be tough and sometimes we feel overwhelmed by too much choice. At Charters Education Support, we are impartial and encouraging, giving information, advice and guidance to students in a supportive way.
Below are some of the reasons to ask for career advice.
I don't know what job I wantSome people hope that life will just happen. That they will wake up one day and everything will be perfect, just as they hoped. It might be fame and fortune for some, for others something a little more sedate.
But neither scenario happens without planning. Not everybody knows what they want to do, but everybody should plan so that they can at least try to find out. A careers advice session in Year 9 can be helpful when thinking about GCSE options. We can see if students have any factors motivating them which need to be considered in their subject choices. This is even more important in Year 11 when making A Level or IB choices. We can help in a supportive way by listening, giving appropriate information and advising. We can help to steer undecided students away from choices which may close off too many options and can advise those with more clarity on future degrees or careers as to what they need to do to get there. |
I have no idea where to go nextA Levels or IB? A degree or an apprenticeship? New school for sixth-form? These are all important decisions facing students in the senior school years.
And sometimes, it helps to talk them through with someone impartial to see what options are out there. We might help you decide between A Level and IB, or whether to change school for a new sixth-form experience. Perhaps you are not sure about taking a gap year, and need some suggestions as to how you could spend it wisely. We will listen and guide you. Maybe you might want to take a psychometric test to give you some ideas based on your aptitudes. We can get those for you and talk though the results with you. |
Careers advice can give you that little extra support.
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